AREAL Hardware Standup Guide

This guide was written using a Raspberry Pi (RPi) 4B with 8Gb RAM. The initial RPi setup steps will be easiest if a monitor and keyboard are avaliable for use. A Holybro Pixhawk 6X with standard baseboard was used as the flight control unit (FCU). It is also assumed that the Pixhawk has a compatible telemetry radio installed. This guide used the Holybro SiK v3.

Raspberry Pi Companion Computer Setup

Ubuntu Image Installation

The first step is to burn a new image onto a fresh microSD using the official imager tool. A tutorial is found at the following IMAGER. Use the image ‘Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 64-bit’, found in the general-purpose OS section of the choose operating system menu.

Next, connect the monitor and keyboard to the RPi, put in the microSD card, and power it up. The default username and password are both ‘ubuntu’. Set a new password as prompted.

Ubuntu Setup

To start out, connect the RPi to an ethernet port for initial internet connection. WiFi will be setup shortly, but the initial internet connection is most easily setup over ethernet.

In order to test the internet connection, use the following command to ping


Upon establishing an internet connection, the RPi will begin updating in the background. This might take a while, but it just has to be allowed to finish. When the background update is complete, run the following two commands to update all of the system packages.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Adding Optionally-Active Ubuntu Desktop

We are going to add an install of Ubuntu desktop to the RPi because configuration of networks and some other parts of the system is most easily done in the GUI interface.

The guide to install Ubuntu desktop on a server installation is found at the following DESKTOP-INSTALL. Make sure to only install the “minimal” desktop option described in step 4.

Once the desktop is installed, it can be enabled and disabled as per the instructions at the following DESKTOP-CONTROL.

The command to enable Ubuntu Desktop is:

sudo systemctl set-default graphical

The command to disable Ubuntu Desktop (change it back to server) is:

sudo systemctl set-default multi-user

After running either command, reboot the RPi to make the changes take effect. The command to reboot the RPi is:

sudo reboot

Network Setup

First, enable Ubuntu desktop as described above. Allow any updates to occur and restart the RPi if prompted. Make sure to decline the upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 if offered.

Next, install the netplan package. This is done with the following command:

sudo apt install net-tools

Next, follow the instructions given in the top answer at this post WIRED-SETUP to enable management of the wired network on the RPi. The changes were successful if the menu in the upper right-hand corner says “Wired Connected” instead of “Wired Unmanaged”.

We will cover configuring the wired network for PX4 communications in a later section on the PX4 setup page. [ADD LINK TO PX4 WIRED SETUP SECTION HERE]

The last step in network setup is to connect to Wifi. Connect to your Wifi network of choice using the settings managed in the Ubuntu GUI. A guide for connecting to eduroam in particular can be found at the following EDUROAM-CONNECT. A pdf of this webpage is avaliable in the “Raspberry Pi Setup” directory of the “AREAL Lab” DropBox folder.

Packages to Install

Lists of the packages needed for future steps are shown below. It is recommended that they all be installed at this point.

Software Development Tools


sudo apt-get install git

ROS 2 Installation

We will make use of the ros_menu tool provided by Adlink to install ROS, ROS 2, and manage sourcing enviroments. In order to install ros_menu, follow the instructions under the “Install” heading at the following ROS_MENU.

Next, run the following command to update dependencies

rosdep update

The configurations for ROS 2 are controlled in the “config.yaml” file in the “ros_menu” directory. A few changes the default for “config.yaml” need to be made. Delete all of the lines below “cmds” unswer the ROS 2 heading, and before the ROS 2/ROS 1 bridge heading. In their place add the source commands for your workspace(s). The specific source command for our vehicle will be covered in the section on downloading and building the needed ROS 2 packages.

Hardware Setup

The RPi takes external power from a 5V power supply, with a current capacity of up to 3A. We use a 5V, 3A battery elimination circuit (BEC) attached to the UAV power distribution board (PDB). The pinout diagram for the RPi 40-pin header is found at the following RPi_PINS. The 5V and GND wires should be connected to pins 2/4 and 6 respectively.

Pixhawk Setup

The first step in configuring the FCU is to follow the standard PX4 installation and configuration for a quadcopter. The PX4 configuration guide can be found at the following PX4_CONFIG. A specific configuration guide for the Holybro X500 v2 can be found at X500_CONFIG.

After completing the standard PX4 setup, manual flights should be performed to verify the quadcopters overall operation.

The next step is to connect the PX4 and companion computer over ethernet. A guide for this configuration can be found at PX4_ETH. At this point, the RPi and Pixhawk should be connected with the included ethernet cable.

PX4 Parameters for VICON Camera Feedback

In order to configure the Pixhawk for state feedback from a motion capture system (in our case VICON GT_IFL), some parameters need to be modified. The list of modified parameters is as follows (battery, logging parameters have been omitted):








  • EKF2_EV_CTRL: 3

  • EKF2_EV_DELAY: 0.1


  • EKF2_GPS_CHECK: 240

  • EKF2_GPS_CTRL: 4

  • EKF2_HGT_REF: 3

  • EKF2_IMU_CTRL: 1


  • MAV_0_RATE`: 57600

  • MAV_1_CONFIG: 102


  • NAV_RCL_ACT: 3

  • PWM_AUX_FUNC1: 101

  • PWM_AUX_FUNC2: 102

  • PWM_AUX_FUNC3: 103

  • PWM_AUX_FUNC4: 104


  • SENS_BOARD_X_OFF: 3.209

  • SENS_BOARD_Y_OFF: -0.204


  • XRCE_DDS_0_CFG: 1000

ROS 2 FCS Packages

One of the solutions adopted by the lab for autonomous flight control is the ROS 2-PX4 framework. Therefore, the required ROS 2 packages for basic autonomous flight are detailed below. These are the packages needed for autonomous waypoint traversal, either from onboard sensor data or motion- capture position feedback. Links to the detailed documentation pages for the various packages mentioned here are linked inline. All ROS 2 code is currently assumed to be in Foxy.

Basic Autonomous Operation (Required for all)

Motion Capture VICON Feedback (Required for Motion-Capture Flights)

  • ros2-vicon-receiver: Written by the OPT4SMART group at The University of Bologna, publishes objects tracked by VICON to ROS 2 topics

Waypoint Behavior Tree (Required for all)

  • areal_new_bt: Implementation file for the flight control behavior tree with ROS 2

Packages from PX4 (Required for all)

In order to perform autonomous UAV flights, clone or download the needed repositories into a workspace onboard the RPi and build them. If using motion- capture, make sure to download the ros2-vicon-receiver package into a seperate workspace on a laptop to be used on the same WiFi network as the computer running the motion-capture (VICON) system. Also download another copy of the areal_landing_px4_communication package to the same computer-based repository. Both of these packages are needed to stream VICON positon feedback over appropriate ROS 2 topics.

Now that the UAV has been set up, operational instructions for running motion-capture autonomous flight experiments are given in Motion-Capture Experimental Instructions.